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Welcome to the Sefton Children's Services Procedures Manual

Welcome to this updated edition of your online procedures manual. This supersedes all previous procedures.

This manual is the single repository/location for all Sefton’s Children's Services policies and procedures. It replaces all previous versions and managers must ensure that any old/previous versions of policies and procedures are removed/deleted from circulation and either destroyed or archived.

There have been some changes in terminology in Sefton, Looked After Children is now Cared for Children and Leaving Care and Transition is now Care Experienced. These changes have been made throughout the manual.

These procedures use the term 'contact' in line with legislative provisions. In Sefton, we use the term 'family time'. The terms should be regarded as interchangeable for the purposes of these procedures.

Important Note:

Sefton Children's Social Care are on an improvement journey and reviewing a number of areas of work. This may mean that policies and procedures are likely to be updated. Please check regularly / register for any updates including checking the manual’s Local Resources section.

If you discover that any previous procedures are not available and that no replacement given, or if you have any comments, queries or concerns regarding the contents of this manual, please contact: Joe Banham (Assistant Director) (

Please see 'Using this Manual' for details about the way this manual works.

Last Updated: July 12, 2023
